Facilities Management Excellence Takes a Community

It takes a community of professionals working together to achieve facilities management excellence. We at Fexa have built our company, our values, and our solution with a profound appreciation of the value of the community.
Facilities Management takes a community
The world of multi-location facilities management is and always has been dynamic. It takes a community of professionals working together to achieve facilities management excellence. We at Fexa have built our company, our values, and our solution with a profound appreciation of the value of the community. This has been a year that has offered up the normal fare of opportunities and challenges for facilities management for starters and then heaped on top an extra serving of new challenges. Our hearts have been warmed by examples of the community working together collaboratively during this year.
For facilities management excellence to be achieved, you must achieve business outcomes.
At the heart of facilities management work is the goal to deliver the outcomes that the business requires to be successful.
The range and scale of business-focused outcomes that are directly influenced by effective and efficient facilities management include:
- Creating customer experiences that delight, attract, and retain customer loyalty;
- Bringing the brand experience to life and delivering it consistently from store to store;
- Managing risks of all kinds – safety risks, financial risks, environmental risks, access risks, and more;
- Flexibly adapting to new consumer trends & requirements that manifest themselves through in-store management and process changes;
- Facilitating critical communications around changes to raise awareness for employees and customers both;
- And… the list goes on.
Getting to business outcomes requires thinking comprehensively about the work.
We have observed that the best way to help the facilities management teams be successful to this end is to think about the work in a very comprehensive way. We think about how a facilities management solution can enhance the outcome – not just pieces and parts of the process. Work gets done – in ways that positively influence the business – when all of the parties are able to work together seamlessly and efficiently.
This idea of the broader facilities management community includes a range of participants:
- Facilities management teams at corporate;
- Store location, distribution warehouse locations, and more;
- Corporate functions that are increasingly intertwined with FM including construction and real estate management;
- Accounting and legal departments;
- Architectural and design professionals;
- Internal employee technicians;
- Expert technicians in the field, engaged through a network of service providers;
Grounding facilities management excellence in enhanced community collaboration.
Designing and delivering a solution that enables the community is grounded on making the solution appropriately accessible and usable – based on roles – for everyone that is part of the value chain. We think about enabling collaboration and communications and cooperation to the end goal. We believe that data and analytics can serve to raise all boats – giving insights that help everyone in the value chain improve their efficiency and effectiveness in service to the business goals. This is the kind of stuff that we think about every day at Fexa.
Community building is not always easy. But we believe that it is one of the most important things that we can do as we build a solution for business outcomes of excellence in facilities management.
We work on solutions that comprehensively consider every partner and technology interface that might be important to you to get your work done with excellence. We would love to show you more, give us a call!