Fexa Global Highlights

Fexa was created with globalization capabilities from the start and is currently supporting users in Europe, Asia Pacific and other geographies.
Fexa implements Internationalization with the following technology methods:
- All labels in Fexa are localized based on the users chosen language. Currently Fexa is fully translated into English, Spanish, Canadian French, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
- Fexa uses validations for data input that support the localization of dates, numbers, currency and text where applicable.
- All voice systems also support internationalization through localization and phonetic modifiers for all common languages.
- Anywhere Fexa shows currency you will see as many as three display outputs. One will show amount in the currency of the customer who is using Fexa, the other two will show the currency of the location being serviced and finally the default currency of the vendor unless specifically overridden on an invoice or other line item object. An example of the override function is when a vendor’s default currency is GBP, but changes an invoice to bill in Euro.
- Approval Rules defined based on amounts always convert to a single currency for comparison so that thresholds of approval are universal.
- Reports can be run using the converted currency that you choose while also showing the location and vendor currencies.
- Outgoing communication templates can be chosen by default language of receiving entity.