Purposeful Communication Drives Facilities Management Efficiency

Giving facilities managers rich purposeful communication options
In recent months, our most resilient facilities managers have leveraged the rich communications options that exist throughout the Fexa platform in new and innovative ways. Throughout time it has been true that clear communication is paramount to achieving positive and intended results. Clear means communication that is delivered at the right time, in the right format, and to the right individuals who need it. During times of uncertainty or disruption communication takes on an even more important role. Communications clarity, communications strategic placement, and “need to know” availability of that communications guidance rises to a new level.
In a recent webinar, a team of facilities management leaders from across different segments and brands shared their insights. They specifically spoke of how they were adapting as part of reopening in an engaging session. And although they came from multiple industry segments, there was a common thread – they all highlighted the heightened importance of communications during times of change and uncertainty.
Going where people are paying attention.
The point of communication is to transfer understanding and share information. Communication is most effective when heard and consumed. When you go to where people are paying attention, you have a much greater chance of being heard.
In software design, that means that people will pay attention when and where they find they need to know something. Fexa uses modern software design. The design focuses on delivering information where people are paying attention as a rich set of features throughout the platform.
USE CASE: Example of how our multi-location retail businesses have been able to leverage rich communications options:
When facing dynamic and varied responses and requirements across regions for in-store cleaning and safety protocols, Fexa customers can take advantage of putting specific instructions right in the work orders, exactly where it is most needed. By inserting location / regional specific checklists and communications as part of the workflow, work can be accomplished efficiently and with regional compliance.
Psychology of “need to know” interest for purposeful communication.
Another example is sharing important “how-to” documentation right in the very place in the Fexa working dashboard that a store user or potentially an assigned cleaning vendor (or other trade vendors) will need guidance. If your facilities management software does not embrace this type of communications flexibility, it is likely that you do things like send out group-wide company emails to your teams or to your vendors.
While it is possible that the targeted teams will read those group-wide emails, it is less likely that they will sufficiently retain the info or remember where they saved it when they are in a need to know. This will inevitably result in wasted time. Time for the teams to reach out and ask for help. Time for central teams to retransmit the information. The time when work is completed, but not in compliance with requirements and thus creating extra cycles of dispatch. And this time lost is costing your business.
Good facilities managers don’t blame their users. Instead, they take proactive steps to make information available when and where it is most needed. And excellent teams, make sure that the communication takes the form that is most appropriate. They match the user and the situation to the communication. They choose between a document, an SMS message, an embedded video or digital checklist, or a well-timed smartly triggered email. Fexa, by design, places a high priority on making this personalized communication incredibly easy. Fexa gives customers rich choices to communicate when, where, and how they choose to best support getting to the outcome – getting the work done.
Embracing the connoisseurs’ of digital experience in your ecosystem.
Everyone is a digital consumer and a connoisseur of good digital experience in today’s world where consumerization of technology is everywhere. Digital natives, those of a generation that has never been without a digital search option to solve life’s problems are especially demanding of modern software. So when members of our extended facilities ecosystem get stuck, they will be more effective, more satisfied, and help you get better outcomes if you are using a modern software platform like Fexa.