At Fexa, we take pride in providing cutting-edge facility management solutions that empower businesses to streamline their operations. 84 Lumber is one of our valued clients and we would like to share their story and highlight the impact our system has had on their operations.

What I love about Fexa is that it saves us time. (…) Going into purchase orders and invoicing, it cuts down the time way more than we were doing it with our old system and we are way more efficient because of that. I know it would help anybody else who’s in the same style of business.

Brandon McGavitt
Repairs and Enhancements Coordinator, 84 Lumber

Why did you decide to partner with Fexa? What pain points does Fexa address?

“We decided to partner with Fexa because we needed organization in our company. It was something that we were lacking. The biggest thing that helped us with Fexa was getting that organization back in our files and how we manage all the information that we have coming in.”

What do you like most about working with the Fexa product or company?

“What I love about Fexa is that it saves us time. Going into purchase orders and invoicing, it cuts down the time way more than we were doing it with our old system. We are way more efficient because of that. Time is the biggest thing because that’s something that we lack. Um, so just the time aspect of it is what really helps us, what I enjoy the most.”

Would you recommend Fexa to someone who’s considering a new Facility Management or CMMS Software Solution?

“Yeah, I would absolutely recommend Fexa. It’s the efficiency that helps us, and I know it would help anybody else too who’s in the same style of business.”

What is your favorite Fexa dictionary word?

“My favorite Fexa dictionary word is Fexability, because it’s so configurable for our company.”