At Fexa, we take pride in providing cutting-edge facility management solutions that empower businesses to streamline their operations. Buckle is one of our most valued clients and we would like to share their story and highlight the impact our system has had on their operations.
“Our stores are an extension of us. We needed something that was more streamlined and user-friendly, not only to my team but to our store team, and it’s the biggest part of why we’ve chosen Fexa. They’re so invested in your success that it’s hard to fail when you have that kind of support. It’s just a great platform and is so flexible for everybody.”
-Jason Miller, Construction & Facility Manager, Buckle
Why did you decide to partner with Fexa? What pain points does Fexa address?
“Partnering with Fexa was an initiative for me and my team because what we had before was such a convoluted platform. We needed something that was more streamlined, something that was user-friendly not only to my team but to our store team. Our stores are our extension of us, and we need to make sure it’s very successful for them on their end. And it’s the biggest part of why we’ve chosen Fexa.
Thank you for the flexible platform. The biggest benefit right now is just the efficiencies within my team. That efficiency has made a huge difference in the time that we have had to put into it, in the work orders, and to satisfy the stores and all their needs.”
What do you like most about working with the Fexa product or company?
“I think the best thing working with Fexa is just the people that they have. They’re so invested in your success, that just makes you successful almost from the get-go. It’s hard to fail when you have that kind of support.”
Would you recommend Fexa to someone who’s considering a new Facility Management or CMMS Software Solution?
“I would 100% recommend fexa to people that are looking for a different platform. They need to be able to look at it holistically and see all the options that are within Fexa. It is just a great platform and so flexible for everybody.”
What is your favorite Fexa dictionary word?
“My favorite fexa dictionary word has to be flexibility because it is so flexible in everything you can do. You can just customize it to what you want it to be. Every person out there is different and they want to see different things, so it’s awesome that there’s that option. Thank you.”