Planning & Project Management
Transform how your organization plans, grows, and thrives in a fast-changing world, with powerful, automated tools that help you to chart your path forward while remaining flexible to adapt to the unexpected.
Transform how your organization plans, grows, and thrives in a fast-changing world, with powerful, automated tools that help you to chart your path forward while remaining flexible to adapt to the unexpected.
Take control of sprawling capital projects with tools that make it easy to plan, collaborate and manage their workflows, participants and budgets over time, eliminating speed bumps and surprises for everyone involved.
Combine 360 visibility across your environment with personalized analytics tools and user-friendly automation to efficiently track the ROI of every dollar spent in real time, and provide your team with crystal-clear priorities for where and how to optimize and improve.
Easily change any aspect of your facilities records, reports, workflows or automations to seamlessly work through change and avoid delays, data gaps, and clunky manual work-arounds that can slow your growth and impact uptime.
Stay on top of important safety inspections and vendor certifications, and comply with all the latest federal and state refrigerant regulations everywhere your brand exists, reducing risks and fines while simplifying compliance workflows and data entry for technicians in the field.
Easily create detailed projects with their own identifiers and descriptors, locations, timelines, assignees, and budgets. Report on each data point with ease.
Monitor costs in real time to keep projects on budget and prevent overspending. Receive alerts as actuals approach their limits, to know when proactive intervention is needed.
Generate detailed reports on asset performance, maintenance, and costs. Track data across assets’ lifecycles to spot trends, monitor TCO, and make informed repair-or-replace decisions to maximize ROI.
Define tasks with detailed descriptions, types, and linked work orders. Set dates, timeframes, and costs while tracking progress for on-time completion.
Keep teams informed with real-time task updates, UI color changes and alerts for their responsibilities.
Get automatic alerts for end-of-life assets, enabling proactive planning and budgeting to reduce downtime and sustain peak efficiency.
Manage change orders to track cost adjustments and keep budgets accurate.
Manage dependencies and blockers within the project to keep everyone informed and accountable.
Track timelines and dependencies with Gantt charts to manage resources and prevent delays. Provide internal staff with a means for logging feedback on the provider’s service.
Empower your team with P&L-level visibility to analyze trends and fine-tune budgets and forecasts with precision.
Nimbly adjust your workflows, tracking criteria, notification settings, report formats, maintenance cadences—anything—to flex your CMMS on the fly to fit changes in your business. No developers necessary.
Centralize essential vendor documents and job requirements like permits and licenses to ensure safety and transparent record keeping with adjacent teams and partners.
Stay ahead of federal and state refrigerant regulations, slashing risks and fines, while making compliance workflows effortless for both your back-office teams and techs on the ground.
Track asset depreciation throughout its lifecycle to eliminate surprise repair costs and accurately plan for replacements and upgrades.
Streamline creation of recurring projects with templates for budgets, tasks, and key details.
Adapt to growth in new markets and work around skilled labor shortages that may impact uptime, by using Fexa Link’s provider network to find vetted vendors in every trade, in every market you serve.
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